Kevin Costner and his wife Christine Baumgartner were sighted on Oscar’s red carpet in 2022. While posing for shots with his wife, the actor sported his iconic sunglasses. Baumgartner, meantime, was photographed wearing a black and white ballgown with delicate lace embellishments. She wore a new darker hair color that contrasted with her usual blonde locks. Costner walked the red carpet in a modest black tuxedo with a black bowtie and without his sunglasses. Costner attended the occasion to give an award. In 1991, he won two Oscars for Best Director and Best Picture for his work on the iconic Western picture Dances with Wolves.
Christine Baumgartner is 48 years old and was born on March 4, 1974. She is a model and handbag designer who rose to prominence as Kevin Costner’s wife. Baumgartner is the proprietor of the handbag business Cat Bag Couture, which consists of a carefully curated line of trendy carrying bags. A number of her daytime handbags were also shown in the first episode of Desperate Housewives in 2005 when the key actors wore them.
Her items are accessible online as well as at specialist boutiques such as Aspen’s Hidden Jewel. She has also featured in a number of television series and documentaries, including Primetime, Biography, and Die Johannes B. Kerner Show. Baumgartner has attended a number of red carpet events with her spouse. More information about her parents and educational history is still unknown.
Costner and Baumgartner originally met in the 1980s. At the time, the former was married to Cindy Costner, and Baumgartner was a professional model. After meeting at a restaurant in 1999, they struck up a romantic relationship. Costner was open to finding love with Baumgartner after his divorce from Cindy, and they dated for four years. However, the couple called it quits in 2003 and temporarily separated because they couldn’t agree on whether or not to have children. Baumgartner wanted children, but Costner was pleased with his former marriage’s three children. He is also the father of ex-girlfriend Bridget Rooney’s kid Liam Costner.
The breakup was short-lived, and the Wyatt Earp actor revealed how he found his way back to Baumgartner. In an interview with Closer Weekly in 2018, he stated:
“I didn’t marry Christine because I was afraid. [She] desired a kid, but I was concerned that I would be ineffective as a parent.”
On September 25, 2004, the pair married at Kevin’s property in Aspen, Colorado. They have three children: two boys, Cayden and Hayes, and a girl, Grace.