The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural TV show developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the same-titled book series by author L. J. Smith. The first episode aired on the channel CW on 10th September 2009 and now, the series is in the middle of its seventh season.
In the beginning, the main female character is Elena (Nina Dobrev), a popular, good looking girl who falls in love with Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley), a vampire with dark past and a vampire brother Damon (Ian Somerhalder). As the story line continues, Elena falls in love with Damon and later she realizes that it’s him who is her true love.
In many polls, Delena (which is the shipname for Damon and Elena) won as a favourite couple from The Vampire Dairies. That’s not surprising at all, I mean, look at them!
We picked our five favourite Delena moments and we made a list of them for you. It was a hard choice, but we’ve managed it!
One of the first Delena moments ever. Elena said this to Damon in 14th episode of the first season, when she was telling him that he can trust her.
This is known as the first proper kiss that Damon and Elena shared. It happened when they were visiting Elena’s brother Jeremy in Denver.
There has been a lot of times when Elena and Damon danced together. However, this was the first time ever. It was in episode 19 of the first season. Elena was still dating Stefan and he was supposed to be her escort for Miss Mystic Falls, but he didn’t show up, because he had a little problem with cotrolling himself around humans.
“I love you, Elena. And because I love you, I can’t be selfish with you. But you can’t know this. I don’t deserve you, but my brother does.” – That was the first time Damon directly told Elena he loved her. It was in the end of episode 8 from the second season. Trust us, we need tissues, too.
The last episode of the 4th season made us all cry, that’s for sure. No matter if you’re a Delena shipper or a Stelena (Stefan and Elena) shipper. One of the most emotional episodes of The Vampire Diaries ever.
What do you think about the Delena moments we picked? Tweet us at @CelebMix or leave a comment below!